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Boronia Heterophylla Lipstick


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Variety Information

Color : Pink
Color Description: Hot Pink ( sometimes sold as "Red Boronia")
Bloom Size: Medium
Lengths available: 40 / 50 /60 / 70 / 80 cm
Vase Life: Average
Availability: - Spring flowering
- Sept / Oct in Australia and March / April in California.
- Not commercially produced in any other countries.
Scented: Yes
General Comments: - One of the most popular cultivars of Boronia Heterophylla for use a a cut flower.
- Fushia bell shaped flower with dark green foliage.
- Color can lean almost to red at times.

Edit Florist & Wholesaler Information

Florist & Wholesaler Information

  • Popular spring flowering Australian native which is also grown in California.
  • While many varieties exist, the most popular by far for the cut flower trade is the hot pink Boronia Heterophylla and the most commonly marketed variety is called "Lipstick".
  • Coloration of pink Boronias can change dramatically depending on the maturity of cut stage and weather conditions. Heterophylla blooms will appear whiteish or bleached when harvested in an overlly mature state.
  • Other less common varieties include Purple (Jarod), Brown (Megastima), Green ( Clavata) , White (Moonglow) and 2-Tone (Just Margaret).
  • Boronia is available for only a very short period of time (2 to 3 weeks) each year from Australia/New Zealand (September/October) and California (March / April).
  • Should be purchased open at least 70- 80% as it does not continue to open once cut.
  • Imports to the U.S. of Boronia are banned by U.S.D.A due to the fact that it is a member of the Citrus family
  • Named after the Italian Francesco Barone who first identified the Australian species in the 1700's.

Grading Information

  • Usually bunched in 300 to 400 gram bunches.
  • Australian Boronia is usually graded by 5 or 10 stems with a minimum weight standard while Californian bunches are usually graded by weight only.
  • Lengths ranging from 40-90 cm are not uncommon, but should be graded evenly in the box.

Grower and Breeder Information

  • Must be well bloomed with no "beard" or "bypass" growth.
  • Should be shipped 70 to 80 % open.
  • Should be graded by stem length, stem count and bunch weight.
  • Should be treated with a Silver STS pulse to avoid shattering.
  • Anti-Ethylene blockers can be helpful for long distance shipping.
  • Can overheat easily in transit, cold chain must be maintained for export.
Sierra Flower Finder is dedicated to the professional floral community by Sierra Flower Trading. Through this collaborative site, we are creating the opportunity for breeders, growers, wholesalers and florists to share their knowledge and passion for the incredible diversity of flowers that make our industry so unique.